Mission Ministry
Through its Mission Ministry, Salem’s congregation supports and sponsors many different missions and causes each year, including:
- UCC Christmas Fund
- One Great Hour of Sharing
- Neighbors in Need
- Strengthen the Church
- UCC Disaster Relief
- Blanket Drive
- School Kits Drive
- Layette Drive
- Health Kits Drive
- Children’s Sabbath Service
- Angel Tree
- Bethany Children’s Home
- Lebanon Rescue Mission
- Souper Bowl Sunday for the Caring Cupboard
- Mission Central in Mechanicsburg
- Pennies for CROP
- The Caring Cupboard Walk
- Greening the Congregation
- Women’s Guild Christmas Stockings
- Friends Helping Friends
- Good Samaritan Fund
- Kids Helping Kids clothing collection for the Agape Shelter
- Phoenix Youth Center
- UCC Disaster Relief
- UCC Homes
- Santa Shop at Klick-Lewis